TIBER (Threat Intelligence Based Ethical Red teaming) is the first European framework for controlled and tailor-made cyber-attack testing. It is aimed at increasing the cyber resilience of core financial institutions and financial market infrastructures.

BDO has invited experts from the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) and Mastercard to share their experiences and to give a detailed explanation of how financial institutions can implement the framework.

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In this webinar

  • the TIBER-BE Test manager of the NBB Jean-Louis Buchholz will share his first-hand insights from a regulator’s perspective and give an in-depth explanation of the framework.

  • Practical examples to show how your financial organisation can comply with the TIBER framework.

  • Director European Cyber Resilience Centre at Mastercard David Cox will share his experience in the initial steps and possible obstacles of setting-up a TIBER exercise. Moreover, he will clarify the purpose and goals of their newly established European Cyber Resilience Centre.


  • Tuesday, 6 October at 16:00

Guest Speakers

  • Jean-Louis Buchholz, TIBER-BE Test Manager at NBB

  • David Cox, Director European Cyber Resilience Centre at Mastercard


Steven Cauwenberghs
