To The Point

29 06, 2023

Away with the stuffy bookkeeper image

June 29th, 2023|To The Point|

Away with the stuffy bookkeeper image BDO launches the ‘Accountants Of Tomorrow’ campaign together with 7 other peers from the sector ‘Become the most important influencer for entrepreneurs’. That’s the slogan of the Flemish ‘Accountants Of Tomorrow’ campaign, which aims to put the accountancy profession back on the map among young people. Because accountancy today is much more than just dull number crunching. Until now, a job as an accountant often entails [...]

29 06, 2023

“Growth-oriented feedback is more valuable than positive feedback alone.”

June 29th, 2023|To The Point|

“Growth-oriented feedback is more valuable than positive feedback alone.” Jan De Schepper links people and business BDO Partner Jan De Schepper recently received the IT Lifetime Achievement Award from Computable Belgium, which describes him as “one of the most influential ICT personalities in Belgium”. In addition, Jan is one of the driving forces behind the CEO Summit, the annual gathering for captains of industry. High time for a chat with this strategic thinker. [...]

29 06, 2023

Stay in control of your energy bill

June 29th, 2023|To The Point|

Stay in control of your energy bill BDO + Odot = optimal energy management In the current volatile energy landscape, it’s becoming more challenging than ever for companies to optimise energy supply. Sustainably, at the best possible price, and future-oriented. Moreover, the energy market has become so complex that an ‘energy manager’ is not a luxury. That’s why BDO Belgium is participating in Odot, the energy expert that, thanks to a unique purchase model, supported by the [...]

29 06, 2023

How BDO can support parents proactively

June 29th, 2023|To The Point|

How BDO can support parents proactively The parent journey, pillar of inclusive diversity “In the parent journey, we look for solutions in order to support parents better and more proactively in the organisation of their work. Why? Because at BDO Belgium, we believe that, by giving opportunities to talents and ideas in a more diverse and inclusive way, we – as an organisation – can provide stronger responses to the challenges of modern society. [...]

29 06, 2023

“There is more in us”

June 29th, 2023|To The Point|

“There is more in us” Cross-pollination becomes a lever for growth in the real estate & construction industry Real estate is present everywhere and in all forms in BDO’s business worldwide. Sometimes very visibly, more often not on the radar, but undeniably active. By mapping out and connecting all these services and expertise, BDO Global is striving to increase our strength in the industry. How exactly? Ayman Chalak (BDO Global) and Erik Van den Broeck (BDO Belgium) [...]

29 06, 2023

Rejuvenate Biomed, with support from BDO, is helping eliminate age-related illnesses

June 29th, 2023|To The Point|

Rejuvenate Biomed, with support from BDO, is helping eliminate age-related illnesses “Surrounding yourself with the right people is at least as important as the scientific idea.” Rejuvenate Biomed is a biotech company located on the Health Campus in Diepenbeek. Surrounded by similar life sciences and health organisations, a dedicated team led by Dr Ann Beliën, founder and CEO of Rejuvenate Biomed, focuses on tackling ageing processes and age-related illnesses. What is it like as a biotech in [...]

27 06, 2023

Knowledge of industries drives the business

June 27th, 2023|To The Point|

Knowledge of industries drives the business The boundaries between industries are fading. Services that used to be deepened vertically can now be deployed horizontally. In-depth knowledge of what lives and moves in the different industries allows BDO Belgium to proactively challenge, coach and lead clients towards future business opportunities. The world is changing, and a new economy is throwing the old one off balance. New technologies and trends are transcending traditional business environments [...]

27 06, 2023

Knowledge, fun & job enrichment

June 27th, 2023|To The Point|

Knowledge, fun & job enrichment Young BDO links client visits to recruitment The young professionals at BDO are making a virtue of necessity – linking their client visits to the search for new colleagues. Every Young BDO employee can invite a friend, family member or acquaintance to come along on the visit. In this way, Young BDO kills 3 birds with 1 stone: the young generation really gets to know the client, the client gets to know [...]

27 06, 2023

FAQ: You ask, we answer | June 2023

June 27th, 2023|To The Point|

You ask, we answer We have recently received 4 important questions from our clients. Each question addresses a specific theme, and so, for your convenience, we provide our answers in this article. Since the launch of the European Green Deal, the European Union has not been sitting idle. In 2021, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) entered into force, directly imposing specific obligations on financial market participants. However, legislation impacting non-financial entities has also been launched. The [...]

16 06, 2023

Wonderful? Productive? Terrifying?

June 16th, 2023|To The Point|

Wonderful? Productive? Terrifying? Peter Van Laer, CEO BDO Belgium With the advent of ChatGPT, the world of artificial intelligence (AI) experienced its iPhone moment. ‘A watershed moment in the history of AI’ ran the headline in the trade press. Soon after, the big boys jumped on the bandwagon – adding to the momentum and underlining AI’s relevance. ChatGPT – or, to give it its full name: Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer – sounds more extra-terrestrial than human. However, [...]

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