
15 02, 2023

FAQ: You ask, we answer | February 2023

February 15th, 2023|To The Point|

You ask, we answer Based on five specific questions, we are bringing the same number of different themes to your attention. Not randomly, but based on the questions that we have recently received from our clients. Many Belgians have a second residence or property that they rent out as an investment. At present, the tax treatment of this property is quite advantageous. But we expect the imminent tax reform to change that. The blueprint that was put [...]

14 02, 2023

How different are family businesses from corporates?

February 14th, 2023|To The Point|

How different are family businesses from corporates? Experts Hans Wilmots and Pursey Heugens share their insights Are family businesses less formally organised than the so-called corporates? What can corporates learn from entrepreneurial families? And are family businesses more resistant to crises? Jan Oosterlinck, Partner Family Business Advisory at BDO Belgium, asked Professor Pursey Heugens (Rotterdam School of Management) and Drs. Hans Wilmots (UHasselt, former CEO of BDO Belgium and CEO of BioRICS). Jan: [...]

24 04, 2020

“Buzzwords don’t grow the business”

April 24th, 2020|To The Point|

“Buzzwords don’t grow the business” BDO Global’s European Survey assesses growth ambitions and obstacles Today, European businesses find themselves facing a growing number of challenges. So how do they intend to maintain their growth and market position in today’s fast-changing political, economic and social world? BDO Global conducted a Europe-wide survey among more than 200 business leaders, focusing on their 5-year strategy. We asked Trond-Morten Lindberg, CEO EMEA at BDO Global, to comment on the survey results. [...]

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