White Papers

6 03, 2023

Process Mining

March 6th, 2023|White Papers|

Process Mining Automatic process discovery for monitoring and steering towards your business objectives Download white paper Process mining techniques can extract knowledge from your event logs commonly available in today's information systems, such as performance, resources, processing costs… It is widely available for adoption in operational support systems and covers a range of special techniques and algorithms. It’s an important bridge between data mining and business process modelling and analysis and holds a lot [...]

21 02, 2023

When do Finance offices create more organisational value?

February 21st, 2023|White Papers|

When do Finance offices create more organisational value? How does the finance function's digital maturity affect organisational performance? Download white paper Digital maturity can be defined as the measure of an organisation’s ability to respond to, take advantage of, and create value through digital technologies. It is commonly accepted that companies with high levels of digital maturity have a competitive advantage along multiple performance indicators: revenue growth, time to market, cost-effectiveness, product quality and [...]

15 07, 2022


July 15th, 2022|White Papers|

ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION: ALLEVIATING MAN’S ROBOTIC TASKS Download white paper Companies work with a mountain of data that are used or shared in a cumbersome, inadequate or unreliable manner, or even not at all. Incomplete information as well as the cumbersome processing of these data make processes inefficient, complex, archaic and time-consuming. It is up to business leaders to generate productivity gains in this area as well. New technologies such as process mining, data-sharing platforms [...]

30 09, 2021

From waste to fuel: take data-driven decisions with AI and machine learning

September 30th, 2021|White Papers|

FROM WASTE TO FUEL: TAKE DATA-DRIVEN DECISIONS WITH AI AND MACHINE LEARNING Download white paper If someone asks you what the most valuable and future-proof resource is today, what would you answer? Data is an incredibly powerful resource in the age of information we live in. It provides us with customer insights, such as behaviour patterns, consumption habits, character traits and product quality to name a few. Data can tell what’s happening in an organisation, [...]

30 06, 2020

Belgian Code of Companies and Associations: new governance rules

June 30th, 2020|White Papers|

Belgian Code of Companies and Associations: new governance rules Download white paper Introduction The new Code of Companies and Associations (CCA) came into force on 1 May 2019 in order to replace the old Belgian Code of Companies. New companies established after 1 May 2019 have immediately been subject to the CCA. As of 1 January 2020, the mandatory provisions of the CCA have also been applicable to existing companies, which [...]

29 04, 2020

Sustainable agility for enterprises and organisations

April 29th, 2020|White Papers|

Introduction Customer centricity and fulfilling the increasing market demands has become a standard business practice. As a consequence, organisations are continuously challenged to build their strategy around their customers’ needs whilst optimising the trade-off between time, cost, quality and risk. You may find your current silo-based organisation no longer suffices to answer your customers’ wishes. Additionally, the ever-growing number of customer segments, digital channels and local markets increasingly complicates business, adding uncertainty and volatility. The better you manage [...]

5 03, 2020

How can you ensure harmony within the family as well as the continuity of the family company?

March 5th, 2020|White Papers|

Did you know that, in Belgium alone, 77% of the companies are family-owned? Consequently, managing them properly is of paramount importance. Easier said than done as running a family business involves many challenges. Think of unexpected market changes, a sudden death or a lack of clear agreements, for example.

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