
15 02, 2023

FAQ: You ask, we answer | February 2023

February 15th, 2023|To The Point|

You ask, we answer Based on five specific questions, we are bringing the same number of different themes to your attention. Not randomly, but based on the questions that we have recently received from our clients. Many Belgians have a second residence or property that they rent out as an investment. At present, the tax treatment of this property is quite advantageous. But we expect the imminent tax reform to change that. The blueprint that was put [...]

15 02, 2023

Diverse + inclusive + innovative = resistant

February 15th, 2023|To The Point|

Diverse + inclusive + innovative = resistant Werner Lapage, Partner BDO Belgium and Chairman of the Editorial Board Are we plunging into a recession? Not yet if we stick to the narrow definition of such an economic downturn - negative GDP growth for two or more consecutive quarters. But on the other hand, when we look at all those economic indicators lighting up red: inflation fever, the extra cost for resources over and above wage indexation, the [...]

13 02, 2023

Hope Springs Eternal for Entrepreneurship

February 13th, 2023|To The Point|

Hope Springs Eternal for Entrepreneurship “Smart companies are prepared for lean years” Despite all the human and social suffering, the economic malaise - strictly speaking no recession for the time being - has the merit of daring us to question a number of “too big to fail” certainties. It has convinced us that companies, and by extension our country, must defend themselves more than ever against increasingly unpredictable shocks from outside. Where do you start? We [...]

13 02, 2023

Shock-resistant handling of scarcity

February 13th, 2023|To The Point|

Shock-resistant handling of scarcity Peter Van Laer, CEO BDO Belgium After a long period without real scarcity, our economy is struggling today. But it actually has been struggling since the COVID-19 pandemic, with shortages that we have not seen since the 70s. Fifty years ago, it was thought that technology and science could prevent scarcity. As a technology optimist, I want to continue to believe in this. But there are also elements that, despite a lot of [...]

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