
18 05, 2021

Beyers Koffie: “No people, no cup of coffee!”

May 18th, 2021|To The Point|

Beyers Koffie: no people, no cup of coffee! During the COVID-19 crisis, the health and safety of its employees was always the greatest concern of coffee roaster Beyers Koffie. After all, no people means no production. “Therefore, the task was to ensure that everyone stayed motivated and productive despite the strict health measures,” explains CEO Marco Ciaramelli.

18 05, 2021

Astra Sweets: “Switching in the short-term with a view to the long-term strategy.”

May 18th, 2021|To The Point|

You can sit in a corner and cry or make the best of it with all your might. Astra Sweets resolutely chose the latter. The sweets producer did not panic because of the crisis, but it did bring about a shift in some accents in the short-term. Managing Director Ronald Luyckx: “We tried to identify and capitalise on those opportunities that yield short-term results in order to offset the negative impact of the coronavirus crisis on certain market segments as much as possible. That’s in keeping with our no-nonsense culture.” In parallel, Astra Sweets continued to work on long-term strategic projects.

27 10, 2020

Resumption of social elections process

October 27th, 2020|To The Point|

Resumption of social elections process Due to the COVID-19 crisis, few or no employees have been physically present in the workplace, which has severely disrupted normal operations at many companies. As implementing the usual social election process was no longer feasible, the Group of Ten (the top employer and trade union negotiators) collectively decided to suspend the process. What happens now? Authors: Charlotte Van Braeckel, Junior Consultant, Johannes Pannus, Advisor BDO Social Legal On 17 March [...]

27 10, 2020

BDO launches the ‘Office of the CFO’

October 27th, 2020|To The Point|

BDO launches the ‘Office of the CFO’ Is your finance department ‘fit for the purpose’ and ‘fit for the future’? The coronavirus crisis is exerting great pressure on CFOs and, at the same time, it’s exposing a number of bottlenecks. For example, the question arises whether your finance department has enough leeway and the right resources to meet current and future expectations. What is the degree of performance (including digital), relevance and accuracy of the available data, [...]

27 10, 2020

How to enhance your company’s value?

October 27th, 2020|To The Point|

How to enhance your company’s value? “Value enhancement offers tangible results.” The COVID-19 crisis is hitting our economy hard, threatening the survival of many SMEs in particular. Making it through the current phase of the crisis will depend on cost reduction, improved productivity, product adaptation and business optimisation. These serve not only to increase a company’s profitability, but also its value. BDO has developed a hands-on Value Enhancement method to sustainably enhance companies’ value. Authors: Maxime [...]

14 10, 2020

The CFO’s future starts today

October 14th, 2020|To The Point|

The CFO’s future starts today BDO partners with Vlerick Business School On 7 October, Vlerick Business School launched its ‘Centre for Financial Leadership & Digital Transformation’. BDO Belgium and BDO Global will serve as primary knowledge partners and experience experts. The aim? ‘To take the finance department to the next level through digital transformation.’ Additionally, the Centre is intended to be a community with a strong focus on practical applications for everyone who wants to advance digitally [...]

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