Driven by and for people
Werner Lapage, Partner BDO Belgium, Chairman of the Editorial Board
Will we live to the age of 130 in a few decades’ time? According to gerontology specialists, yes, undoubtedly. Provided we live healthier lives. In any case, the biotechnology world has jumped into the fray and is looking for solutions to slow down, or even prevent, aging processes and diseases. Rejuvenate Biomed, led by Dr Ann Beliën, is such a biotech company that, with the help of BDO Belgium in the back office, is seeking to extend the age expectation of humans. It should come as no surprise that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a central role in this.
That evolution aside, people are becoming concerned about the growing dominance of, and reliance on, algorithms in our work and life. The breakthrough of ChatGPT has accelerated that feeling. “Obviously, we must remain critical, but should not gloss over the benefits. Algorithms and technology also save lives and, subconsciously, they are already gaining our trust in many almost invisible applications,” Peter writes in his opinion piece.
“Our people guarantee our growth.”
Via the fintech aiGust – you will already have guessed what the ai stands for – it may soon even be possible to link an organisation’s energy consumption and costs with optimal energy management. In the current volatile energy landscape, the latter is becoming ever more of a challenge for ever more companies. That’s why, with BDO Belgium, we are participating in Odot – the energy expert that, thanks to a unique purchasing model, keeps your energy bill under control.
Moreover, ‘Energy & Utilities’ is one of the sectors on which BDO Belgium focuses. Just as we do for the ‘Real Estate & Construction’ sector, which is good for about 10% of our turnover. But that’s not the only reason. So why? Erik (BDO Belgium) and Ayman (BDO Global) explain this in careful detail.
Finally, I would like to emphasise once again that, at BDO, we see our people as our most valuable asset. They are the ones who guarantee our growth. A truth that is also perfectly understood by Tessy, our Inclusive Diversity Manager, and her team. With the recent ‘parent journey’, they look for solutions in order to support parents better and more proactively in the organisation of their work. Indeed, we believe that by giving opportunities to talents and ideas in a more diverse and inclusive way, we – as an organisation – can provide stronger responses to the challenges of modern society. Just ask Jan(*).